These by-laws are not currently in effect. On December 15th 2009 they were amended by popular vote.
A. Area Representatives.
For purposes of Article IX of the Constitution, the following Areas are recognized:
- An Area comprised of members of the bargaining unit in: the School of Engineering; the Saturday Program; CURF; the Writing Center; and Humanities.
- An Area comprised of members of the bargaining unit in the School of Art.
- An Area comprised of members of the bargaining unit in Buildings and Grounds.
- An Area comprised of members of the bargaining unit in: Development; Continuing Education; External Affairs; and Student Services.
- An Area comprised of members of the bargaining unit in the: Business Office; Computer Center; Office Services; Library; Lubalin Center; and President’s Office.
B. Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board shall meet at least monthly. Special meetings may be called by the President or by petition of a majority of the Executive Board. A quorum for meetings of the Executive Board shall be a majority of its members.
C. General Membership Meetings
- Meetings of the general membership may be called by the President, by a majority of the Executive Board or by petition of twenty (20) percent of the active membership. Membership meetings shall be held no less than two (2) times per contract year, once during the Fall Semester and once during the Spring Semester.
- Members shall receive written notification of regular general membership meetings fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting. Special membership meetings may be called with fewer than fifteen (15) days notice, but the notification must be written and must state the purpose and agenda for the special general membership meeting.
- A quorum at a regular general membership meeting shall consist of 5% of the active members in good standing. A quorum at a special general membership meeting shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the active members in good standing.
C. Grievance Committee
- The Grievance Committee shall consist of three (3) members.
- Two members of the Grievance Committee (the Chairperson and one permanent member) shall be appointed by the President with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board.
- The third member of the Grievance Committee shall be a Chief Steward as provided in Article IX, Section 3 of the constitution.
- No member of the Grievance Committee may participate in the deliberations or decision of the Grievance Committee on any matter in which she/he is the complaintant.
- If the Chairperson or permanent member of the Greivance Committee is disqualified pursuant to section 4 above, the President shall appoint a substitute to serve in her/his place.
- If a Chief Steward is disqualified pursuant to section 4 above, the President shall appoint a Deputy Steward from her/his Area to serve in her/his place. If there is no Deputy Steward from that Area, the President shall procede in accordance with section 5 above.
D. Grievance Committee Appeals
- If the Grievance Committee decides not to pursue a matter through the grievance and arbitration procedure, the affected member(s) may appeal the decision by giving written notice of her/his deisre to appeal to the President (or in her/his absence, the Vice President) within two (2) days (excluding weekends and holidays).
- Upon receipt of such notice, the President (or in her/his absence, the Vice President) shall convene a special meeting of the Executive Board within two (2) days (excluding weekends and holidays).
- If such an appeal is made the member shall be afforded a reasonable period of time within which to present to the Executive Board the reasons he/she believes the decision of the Grievance Committee should be reversed. Upon the completion of the grievant’s presentation, the Executive Board shall go into Executive Session to deliberate and reach a decision on the appeal. The Secretary of the Union shall inform the grievant in writing of the decision of the Executive Board.
E. Dues
- Active. The dues for Active members shall be $10.00 per month plus current NYSUT and national affiliate dues.
- Retiree. The dues for Retiree members shall be $20 per year plus current NYSUT and national affiliate dues for their category of membership.
- The local dues may be changed by the vote of a majority of active members present and voting at a meeting of the membership called after reasonable notice of the intention to vote on such question.
F. Amendments
- An amendment to the By-laws may be proposed by
a. A majority of the Executive Committee.
b. No fewer than twenty (20) percent of the membership. - A proposed amendment must be posted in a conspicuous place in each work site and/or distributed in writing to each member at least five (5) days before the ratification vote.
- An amendment to the By-Laws may be ratified by a simple majority vote at a general membership meeting.
Adopted: September 2006.