Introducing New UCU Executive Members and Area Reps

Dear UCU Members, Please join us in welcoming Kyle Bellucci Johanson onto the UCU Executive Board, as our new Negotiation Officer. Justin Lubliner, our UCU Outreach Office, will be transitioning into our Treasurer role.

We are also excited to announce our three new Area Representatives:

  • Renato Pasion will be representing Area 100 which includes School of Engineering, AVRAC, Humanities, IT Dept. Area, AACE Lab.
  • Oskar Russakis! Oskar will be representing Area 200 which includes Schools of Art & Architecture, Library, Center for Writing, and Saturday Program.
  • Jacob Clark will be representing Area 300 which includes Buildings & Grounds and Office Services.
  • Nat Schmitt will be representing Area 500 which includes Continuing Education, Admissions, and Student Services.

If you are interested in being a part of the Executive Board or Area Rep, there are still open positions available. For further details of each role, please visit our website here.

Lastly, we would like to let you know that negotiations regarding our contract are imminent. An email with additional information will be sent out in the next week. Any questions? Feel free to send us an email.

In Solidarity,

UCU Executive Board