Dear UCU Members,
The Executive Committee has been asked many questions about the health and safety issues surrounding Covid-19 and staff returning to campus. We have heard your questions and are prioritizing your concerns. The Executive Committee met with Natalie and discussed Cooper’s plan and how the Health and Safety Committee is planning to address those concerns. Please be advised that the Health and Safety Committee is sending out weekly updates about changes on campus.
These changes are planned to meet the advisory guidelines of both the CDC and of New York State, and a plan must be submitted to the state before the college can reopen. The guidance from the CDC and from New York State are both currently publicly available online. All educational institutions, including Cooper Union, must follow the advice of both of these entities. The reopening plan is updated frequently as new information about the virus is released to the public, and once it is approved and we receive a copy, we will share its details.
UCU wants to make sure that all of our members know that we are always fighting on their behalf. During this pandemic, your health and safety is our number one concern!
In solidarity,
UCU Executive Committee