Dear UCU Members,
All members should be aware that they are only required and allowed to do the work that they were explicitly hired to do. If you are asked to do additional work – either new responsibilities, or the work of a colleague who is furloughed – please reach out to the UCU as this violates our contract with Cooper Union. Should UCU be made aware that a staff member is performing duties not listed in their job description, the staff member will have to meet with UCU to discuss the terms of which they were hired under the CBA.
Additionally, for furloughed members filing for unemployment insurance, we have received questions regarding applying in advance of the furlough date. You can and should fill out your application and save it, but you cannot submit the application early or try to claim unemployment benefits because you are still employed until the furlough officially goes into effect. On that official date when you are considered unemployed, you can log back in to claim your benefits. If you have issues, please contact us.
In solidarity,
UCU Executive Committee